About Our Physical Therapy
How is physical therapy at the U.S. Athletic Training Center different?
Our treatment is a systematic approach that does not leave anything to chance. Each patient receives customized treatment based on their individual needs. If a patient is working with a physician, we follow all physicians’ prescriptions meticulously. Physical therapy begins with an evaluation that allows us to find the weak links in a person’s condition. This directs the physical therapist to treatment and training variables that consist of hands-on soft tissue work, joint mobilization, and flexibility along with a progressive resistance exercise program.
These programs include a comprehensive strength and conditioning component. The use of our numerous modalities are tailored to a patient’s specific treatment plan. Available modalities include GameReady machines, Electro-Stim, Ultrasound, Light and Laser Machines, Graston Tools, ThermaZone (Heat Machine), and Compex Units: Muscle Re-Education and Recover Techniques. They are able to address both upper and lower extremity as well as core strengthening as required for the patient.